Designhaus GmbH . Global communications company
Request Booking online

Both in summer and in winter there are no limits to your spirit of initiative.

Every season has its own fascination.

The awakening of spring on the promenades or in the fruit yards, mountain bike tours on the surrounding plateaus, simple or more demanding hiking tours in the surroundings of Merano, sunbaths on our lawn, the lively colours of autumn woods, the Christmas Market with a smoking cup of hot wine in December, or an exciting day in the skiing paradise of Merano 2000.


Aktuelle Konzerte - The Showtime

Aktuelles in Meran - Highlights

Haflinger-Pferde - Link

Weinfestival - Link


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SELECT id , titolo_en as titolo, testo_en as testo, immagine , link_pagina, (SELECT IF((SELECT id FROM strutturapagine WHERE attivo = 'on' AND sottopagina_di = '' ORDER BY ordine DESC LIMIT 1) = link_pagine.link_pagina , '' , permalink_en) FROM strutturapagine WHERE id = link_pagine.link_pagina) as permalink , (SELECT titolo_en FROM strutturapagine WHERE id = link_pagine.link_pagina) as titolopagina FROM link_pagine WHERE attivo = 'on' AND titolo_en != '' AND sezioni LIKE '%,13,%' ORDER BY ordine DESC limit 80